Pictures & Clipart
Pictures can move your audience to a specific human response. Visualize all those photos used in motivational posters we’ve seen before.
For the highest possible quality, inserting pictures is preferable to copying and pasting them. This is because Microsoft Office pastes images as bitmaps instead of in the original file format. This lowers the picture quality while ballooning the file size. Lose-Lose.
Click Insert > Pictures for an image on your computer, or
Click Insert > Online Pictures for Bing / OneDrive images.
Type a keyword in the Bing search box and hit [Enter]
(or sign in to OneDrive for images stored in your account).- Click the Bing Filter icon to refine your search by size, type, layout, and color.
Click the pictures you want, and then click Insert. If you only want (1) image, double-click it.